
Above: “Summer Day”, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas

The Square Foot Show was a raving success - all five of my paintings sold in 32 minutes.

Thank you to everyone who checked out the show - it was humming as people browsed and collected the pieces that spoke most to them. The comments online were fun too!

More than 200 paintings found homes in just 72 hours. 

Huge gratitude to Julia Veenstra, the incredible artist who founded this show seven years ago and has grown it into a living, breathing, thriving event.

The paintings I created for the Square Foot Show were inspired by the iconic trees found in the Okanagan Valley, where I live.

Ponderosa Pines cover the hills and are found everywhere along the trails I hike.

The curve of their branches, their tilted trunks and overall presence, draws me in every time. I feel such a strong pull to create paintings from them. They're truly captivating.

The collectors of these paintings live all across Canada.

They shared a few things with me... reasons they were drawn to the art they chose: 

  • One couple managed to snap up TWO paintings as a 6th wedding anniversary gift to themselves. Woohoo! That's hard to do (both the getting, and agreeing lol)
  • Another collector, now in Ontario, has close ties to the Okanagan, with family landing here generations ago she feels a sense of connection to BC through her painting.

I love hearing stories about why people chose my art, and feel honored each time someone does. Knowing my paintings are going to loving homes is the best thing I could hope for.

~ Theresa

About the Author
Theresa Edwards

I paint joyful florals and vibrant landscapes to bring you closer to nature. Science has shown we're better off after spending time in nature, whether that be real or perceived. Bringing its peace and beauty into your space with a painting is a perfect way to get your fix when you can't be there in life!

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