A weekend filled with art, conversation & painting
It was the first time in three years that over 200 artists exhibited under the same roof... well, two roofs actually :)
And visitors were into it! Attendance was high, spirits were high, and I cannot count the number of times people mentioned how excited they were that the festival was back in full swing.
I met so many interesting people and had really interesting conversations. People who'd been all over the country viewing art from Vancouver to Ottawa. We knew some of the same artists and appreciated the same masters. It was really fun to catch up this way.
I also participated in two live painting events.

Each day, myself and two other artists painted the same subject while an audience watched. I would have loved to have been in the audience - it's truly an entertaining kind of event!
You get to see the paintings develop from start to finish in three completely different ways. And at the end, we each had created totally unique pieces of the exact same subject!

Day 1 painting and its new collector.

Day 2 painting before it was whisked away by this lovely couple.
Each paint-off, a different floral arrangement sat on the table to paint... this fit perfectly with Artwalk's Life in Full Bloom theme. Above are the new collectors of each piece of artwork I created during these challenges.
I absolutely love seeing my work head off to new homes so quickly. One even sent me a photo of it hung on her wall the very next day. Yay!
And let's not forget the art!! Since I was preoccupied chatting with visitors and painting flowers, there was little time for booth pics. Here's a small section I managed to snap...

Overall, it was an awesome weekend. Being surrounded by art lovers is always amazing.
Plus, sending paintings off with new collectors makes me very happy to know they'll be brightening spirits for years to come.
~ Theresa